Content Marketing | The 4 strategic types of content to post

Content marketing can be tricky and hard to navigate in terms of what type of content to post. These are the 4 types of content we generally recommend creating. The strategy for content is providing real value for the reader/end-user:

  1. Education - This type of content is to inform and teach a target audience. This type of content’s intent is to drive awareness of given topic/product.

  2. Entertainment - This type of content is to bring humor and other ways to whimsically pass time. This type of content is usually the most viral including your latest funny and cute cat/dog/baby hi-jinx video or meme.

  3. Inspiration - This type of content is utilized to uplift and provide motivation. This type of content usually is a quote or video that makes users feel good or better about themselves.

  4. Promotion - This type of content is similar to company newsletter material. Information on key hires, latest product releases, joint ventures, new services, etc. It’s less about company self-promotion and more about providing company information.

Each of these 4 types of content will help drive value and create an overall better brand. Drop a comment or question and we’ll be happy to respond.